News & Announcements

12/30/24 - Wrapping Up 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 has been a great year for the Library Project and we’re looking forward to continuing this upward trajectory in 2025.

Progress continues on the build site— after a couple tense weeks of wet weather, Turnstone managed to get a dry window to pour the foundation slab. This is great news because it will allow us to stay on schedule and avoid the additional expense of certain winter conditions. Excavating and trenching for electrical, propane and water have been done, as well as the installation of the vapor barrier on the foundation walls. Framing will begin in the New Year.

Off the job site, the LBC continues to work alongside Public Works and the MVPD to to finalize security and technology needs. The Team has met with the architects to finalize the remaining finish selections. Furniture selections can now proceed in earnest.

Below we’ve included some drone shots provided by Turnstone showing the progress from the initial excavation through installation of the foundation walls. We’re working on getting some updated shots showing the new foundation slab.

Here’s to a great 2025 that sees the completion of the New Daland Memorial Library! 

11/16/24 - Construction Progress Update

We're very excited to announce that the Town has hired Anne Dodd to be the Clerk of the Works for the Library build. Anne will oversee the progress of construction, testing and billing, and protect the Town's interests throughout the build. With Anne's decades of experience in the construction industry and service as a Daland Trustee, we can rest assured that we are in great hands. 

Progress continues on schedule at the job site: the footings and foundation walls have been installed. The well has been drilled and pressure tests indicate good flow. Underground plumbing is in progress and the slab will be poured shortly after Thanksgiving. Framing and post-setting will begin 12/9, at which point we'll really be able to see the structure taking shape up on the hill. 

The LBC would like to issue a friendly reminder to all town residents that access to the building site will remain restricted throughout construction. This includes the trails that run along the edges of the property. No one is permitted to walk or drive on this land without express permission from, and accompaniment by, members of the construction management team. These rules exist to prevent injury as construction sites are inherently dangerous. We appreciate our residents' cooperation in working to keep everyone safe. 

Off the construction site, the LBC is finalizing details for the security and AV systems. We've also formed a separate furniture committee that will be selecting all the furnishings based on the allotted budget. 

Turnstone has begun documenting progress with drone shots and we look forward to sharing some images soon!

10/3/24 - Library Construction Underway

Construction of the new library building officially started today with Turnstone's teams mobilizing for site preparation. In the coming weeks they will be excavating the footings and then pouring the building's foundation. The building inspector has issued a foundation permit. 

The Select Board has also finalized the name of the new road and the future address of the Daland Memorial Library will be... 8 Lilac Lane! 

Soon you will see this new sign at the start of Lilac Lane with details on the project and all the great team members that are working to bring this to fruition. We are so excited to reach this milestone after many years of hard work! 

9/12/24 - Groundbreaking!

The Mont Vernon Library Charitable Foundation sponsored a formal library groundbreaking ceremony to mark this important milestone in the project.

The ceremony attracted a large audience. Attendees were able to “tour” the new facility where flags had been placed to identify each area. 

John Quinlan, MV Select Board, described the years of work that led to this milestone and thanked the many community members who have given their time and talents to play a role. 

Michael York, NH State Librarian, spoke of the importance of libraries in NH’s small, rural towns and commented that every NH town has a public library – a feat that not even New England’s venerable Dunkin chain can match. He also noted that Mont Vernon has the best Library Director in the state! 

State Senator Denise Ricciardi, NH District 9, congratulated the town on its tenacity and community collaboration and shared a NH Senate Proclamation highlighting the event.

Tom Kearns, President of DSK | Dewing Schmid and Kearns Architects + Planners, who led the team that designed the new library, congratulated the group on this important milestone and reminisced on the collaborative design process that has taken place since their selection in 2018. 

Stacy Clark, President of Turnstone Corporation, thanked the town for entrusting this important project to Turnstone Corporation and pledged to continue the excellent partnership that has been a project hallmark to date.

Cindy Raspiller, chair of the Mont Vernon Library Trustees and MVLCF president, thanked the many groups who have worked tirelessly to contribute to the project’s success.

9/4/24 - Progress Updates

We’re off to the races! The Library Building Committee, Trustees and advisors continue to hold biweekly meetings with the construction manager Turnstone to prepare for the start of the library build and coordinate with the road construction. Some updates below:


7/5/24 - Pre-Construction Updates 

The Library Building Committee, along with the Library Trustees and our advisors, have been hard at work preparing for construction on the new library to begin early this Fall. In addition to our regular monthly meetings, we've been holding biweekly meetings with our construction manager Turnstone to finalize all the necessary details ahead of breaking ground. A few highlights:

We will continue to update this page periodically as the project advances. Check back for progress, including a groundbreaking date soon to be announced! 

5/8/24 - NEPA Review Comments Open

Because the library project received a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant, NEH is required to engage in appropriate levels of public involvement for federal actions that require compliance under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), EO 11988: Floodplain Management, EO 11990: Wetlands Protection, and EO 12898: Environmental Justice. The project NEPA review has been submitted and is posted for public comments until June 10th, 2024.  Read more here.

4/18/24 - Bond Application Submitted

At the Select Board meeting on April 22nd, Jack Esposito confirmed that the Select Board submitted their applications to the NH Municipal Bond Bank on April 18th, one week ahead of the due date. The Board applied funds for both the library and access road projects as approved at Town Meeting on March 13th. If approved, the road bond will yield $683,600 to be repaid over 15 years, and the library bond will yield $1,990,000 to be repaid over 25 years.